Academic Approach
Moving into the Sixth Form is an exciting part of a student's time at school. It is the opportunity to discover what subjects fascinate, and the best ways of studying them.
At Kent College we offer a wide range of options and different qualifications so students can choose the subjects that inspire and excite them. These include 20 A Levels, 3 BTECs, a Diploma in Food Nutrition and a brand new AAQ (Alternative Academic Qualification) in Medical Science. If students are studying the subjects they enjoy, in small classes with dedicated and enthusiastic teachers they are off to a great start.
Sixth Form students have the support of a highly experienced tutor team, many of whom are Heads of Subjects. The tutor groups are small and students meet with their tutors daily.
We aim to develop attitudes and skills which give our students the best chance of achieving the highest grades. These skills of Vision, Effort, Systems, Practice and Attitude - 'VESPA' are delivered through workshops, assemblies and tutorials.
Pupils have exceptionally positive attitudes to all aspects of their learning. They have a ‘can do’ attitude and persevere at all ages, greatly enjoying working together.
Pupils are highly confident and are well prepared for the next stage of their lives.

Bespoke Offer

Bespoke Offer
Students are able to choose any combination of subjects from the A Level, BTEC and Diploma qualifications we offer, and a bespoke timetable is designed around each student's choice. Students are encouraged to select three subjects with a fourth option available to trial for the first half of term or longer.
Entry requirements are at least 6 or more GCSEs at Grade 4 or above, with Grade 6 or above in the subjects being pursued at A Level. Students are normally expected to achieve a Grade 7 or above in Maths and the Sciences if they wish to study these subjects at A Level.
Through dedicated teaching, a bespoke timetable, small classes (on average 5 students per class) and excellent facilities, our Sixth Form students consistently outperform compared to national standards, allowing them to achieve the highest grades and head to their university or college of choice.
Results 2024
In 2024, the top A* grade percentage at 18% was the best result for nine years. 42% of Maths and Further Maths grades were awarded at A*-A, 54% EPQ grades were A*-A, 50% of English grades were A*-A and 80% of Art, Textiles and Photography grades were A*-A. 80% of PE BTEC results were at the top level and over a third of Psychology grades were A*.
A* | 18% |
A*-A | 43% |
A*-B | 75% |
A*-C | 93% |
Kent College aims to ensure that every student has the opportunity to find their strengths and talents, and this is reflected by the wide range of subjects our leavers head off to study.
In 2024, students joined leading universities to study STEM subjects including Maths, Maths and Statistics, Architecture, Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. They will also study English, Law, Politics and Psychology, Philosophy and Psychology, Spanish and Management, Graphic Design and Film Studies
University destinations in 2024 included including Bristol, Central St. Martins, Durham, Exeter, Glasgow, Leeds, Loughborough, Nottingham, Oxford Brookes, Sheffield, St. Andrews, UCL and York.


Academic Scholarships are awarded to Sixth Form students who excel in an online assessment and scholar interview. Our Academic Scholars will demonstrate a passion for learning, an ability to think creatively and a curiosity to find out more. They will have a willingness to persevere, the rigour to achieve excellence and the desire to embrace new opportunities.
All Scholars are part of our Able Interested and Motivated Students (AIMS) programme designed to inspire students, nurture talent, and grow and challenge students in and outside the classroom. Further information can be found in the brochure.