
We are proud to offer a range of Scholarship and Exhibition awards for Year 7, Year 9 and Sixth Form. These are available for Academic, Art, Dance, Drama, Music and Sport.

Each scholarship is supported by an outstanding programme of supervision, mentoring, enhancement and extra curricular activities, and our scholars are expected to play an active and positive role amongst students and be ambassadors for their discipline throughout their time at KC.

More information can be found in our Admissions brochure.

Admissions 2025-26


Every Scholarship includes a fixed annual award of £2,000 which is deducted from the Autumn term fees each year. This award is given to pupils demonstrating a particularly high standard of achievement or potential regardless of financial need. Scholarships are reviewed annually and subject to satisfactory performance and commitment.


Exhibitions are awarded to scholarship applicants who show great potential. They will be part of the scholarship programme but not receive a financial award. It is expected that they will use their exhibition status to enhance their application for a scholarship at the next opportunity.


All Scholarship programmes offer a variety of development opportunities along with support from the Head of AIMS and specialist teachers.

Scholars are allocated a dedicated staff supervisor with whom they meet regularly and who will help balance the demands on their time, their expectations and those of their teachers and the wide range of school and external commitments they will have.